Saturday, May 7, 2011

So Pokemon

Hey guys I'm a pokemon enthusiast I don't use any cheats ever and I also don't pokesav. I play when I can and as you may have noticed Gengar is one of my favorites. I don't post my battles anywhere because it seemed overly complicated and I'm not very good with the technical aspects of programing.

I mainly battle with friends on campus via infrared that way levels are automatically set to 50 and we don't have to grind all the way to 100.
In the future I will list the pokemon I'm using or working on. Many of my current pokes don't have the right natures =^\.

Also I'm doing a Nuzlocke run of emerald my first nuzlocke ever so I'll try and keep you posted on that as well but it's stalled because on the first five routes I had to catch poochenyas and with the fire starter the first gym is pretty painful.

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